Why does it seem so hard to be healed?

We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will. Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." To this they replied, "You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!" And they threw him out. John 9:31-34

Nothing challenges religion like miracles. The Pharisees had to disprove this man's healing though he was blind from birth. That's a tough one! They couldn't call Jesus a sinner because the blind man stood before them seeing. So they went after the blind man! They turned the grace of God into a merit system. He couldn't be healed by God because he was "steeped in sin!"

And herein lies the reason we have so few miracles in our Holy Spirit churches today. If it doesn't happen, we condemn the person who is sick, then we stop trying altogether. Great men of faith we are! Why don't some get healed right away? I don't know. But one thing I do know is that no one has ever "earned" their healing. Like everything else in the kingdom, it is a free gift from a Father who delights in giving things away to people who could never deserve it. 

If everyone in the congregation is living in fear that it won't happen for them and they will be subjected to questioning, it' s no wonder so few can receive healing. We must teach the people that it is the Father's good pleasure to heal them in spite of them. If the healing is blocked by something unknown, we can trust the Father to be hard at work resolving the blockage. It's on the way. 

We don't pray for the sick because we are one hundred percent successful. If we wait for that to happen, we will never get started. We pray for the sick because Jesus told us to. We don't receive our healing because we are a hundred percent successful in that either. We are shown by the Holy Spirit that we are included in the worthiness of Jesus and it comes to us so simply and easily that we hard to tell when it happened. 

He's a good Daddy and when He takes away your sin and your sickness, He is showing everyone just how good He really is. So take the pressure off. It has very little to do with you and everything to do with Him. It happens because of who He is. He can't help Himself. Jesus broke up every funeral He attended in the gospels. Life just pours out of Him no matter what He does. Understand these kingdom values and you will be on your way to being healed and forgiven!